Found a bird? 707-484-6502 8:30am to 5:30pm
Nurturing nature with natives! Our native plant garden was created to help songbirds and biodiversity thrive!
With the needs of native songbirds in mind, the creation of our Songbird Sanctuary Gardens at NSCC began over 15 years ago. It is a work in progress and a constant source of joyful discovery. The garden and our wildlife rehabilitation hospital, Native Songbird Care & Conservation, are located on the same property in Sebastopol. The majority of our rustic habitat garden occupies approximately an acre of the land and is mostly California native plants. There are a few ornamentals here and there that were planted before the property was purchased years ago. Slowly but surely, the ornamentals will be replaced with California native plants.
The garden is drought tolerant and uses very little irrigation. A small amount of supplemental water is provided during the peak of summer from drip irrigation and water collected in rain barrels during the winter. A series of swales and basins installed in the fall of 2016 help slow and sink rainwater on our land.
Most of the plant material in the garden was selected with the needs of native songbirds in mind and provides a variety of seasonal food sources including berries, seeds, nectar and insects. Some of the plants favored by songbirds include, coffeeberry, toyon, native grape, coyote bush, quailbush, ribes, saltbush, elderberry, various buckwheat species, mallow and ceanothus.
The success of our efforts to provide native habitat in the Songbird Sanctuary Garden and what it provides to our local wildlife is measured by the response of our local songbirds. Up to 33 species of native songbirds have been recorded nesting on our 2-acre property during spring and summer. The Garden provides what they need - food, water, shelter and safe places to nest and raise their young. The Garden also provides vital habitat for migratory birds passing through as well as overwintering songbirds. In addition to the diversity and abundance of songbirds, we host a variety of other wildlife, from bobcats and brush rabbits, to Western Fence Lizards and Great Horned Owls. A large variety of native bees, butterflies and other insects also call the garden home.
Scroll through the virtual mini-tour below or check our Event Calendar to register for an upcoming garden tour. We hope you enjoy our garden and are inspired to create habitat for songbirds in your own backyard.
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