Found a bird? 707-484-6502 8:30am to 5:30pm
Your gift enables us to provide injured and ill patients with necessary medical treatment, species appropriate housing and supportive care during the rehabilitation process. Your contribution also provides nutritious food and essential items that nurture the growth and development of orphaned baby songbirds.
Look how far your gift will go to support the care of native songbirds and prepare them for release back to the wild!
Native Songbird Care & Conservation relies entirely on the support of an all-volunteer staff and private donations. Be confident that whatever amount you give, your generous gift will go directly to the care of nearly 1,000 songbirds brought to our clinic each year. Thank you for caring about songbirds. Thank you for helping them fly free in the wild again.
If you prefer to make a donation by mail, please send a check made payable to:
NSCC, 8050 Elphick Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472
Donations of supplies are always appreciated! Below is a list of needed supplies for the ongoing care of our patients. Donated items can be brought directly to NSCC. Some items can also be purchased and delivered through our Amazon Wishlist.
Items & Supplies Needed:
Native Songbird Care & Conservation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, tax id 81-0807584. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by current federal law and IRS rulings.
We have an Amazon Baby Registry that contains a variety of supplies needed for animal care and facility operations. All purchases are shipped directly to us.
Make your shopping dollars count when you sign up for eScrip and designate Native Songbird Care & Conservation as your favorite non-profit. A portion of what you spend will be donated to us.
Copyright © 2021 Native Songbird Care & Conservation - All Rights Reserved.