Found a bird? 707-484-6502 8:30am to 5:30pm
Greetings, Songbird Superhero!
As I reflect on this year, my heart is filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of our community, volunteers, and staff. Whether you rescued a songbird, contributed a monetary gift, donated supplies, volunteered your time, or supported our mission in other ways, please know that your involvement has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of songbirds.
This installment of News from our Nest offers a glimpse at some of our achievements and projects this year.
From all of us at Native Songbird Care & Conservation, thank you for being part of our life-saving work for songbirds. We wish you peace and joy in the coming year.
For the birds, always.
Veronica Bowers, Director
We have a limited number of new volunteer shifts and opportunities for the 2025 Baby Bird Season. We onboard new volunteers March through early May. Please review our opportunities and volunteer requirements to learn more and apply.
Are you a college student or recent graduate pursuing a career in wildlife biology, ecology, conservation, environmental studies, veterinary medicine, or wildlife rehabilitation? Join our summer internship program to learn about native songbirds and the challenges they face in today's world. Our interns experience hands-on how our work directly impacts the health of individuals and restores them to the natural world.
Your support enables us to provide injured and orphaned songbirds with necessary medical treatment, species appropriate housing and supportive care during the rehabilitation process. Your contribution also provides nutritious food and essential items that nurture the growth and development of orphaned baby songbirds.
Copyright © 2021 Native Songbird Care & Conservation - All Rights Reserved.